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ingers everywhere, take note: You don’t need backup vocalists if you can find yourself a good well.

The best way for a good night's sleep is to reclaim your inner peace and rest with a heart united to God

Dear brothers and sisters, I will speak in French, excuse me, for I have not yet learned the beautiful Croatian language!

The special mission of the Special Envoy of the Holy See, Polish Archbishop Henryk Hoser, began in Medjugorje in these days.

Mons. Henryk Hoser, Special Envoy of the Holy See for Medjugorje, on the occasion of his arrival to Medjugorje, in the church of St. James said to all gathered:

Polish people as a nation has special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and many of their pilgrims come to Medjugorje.

Graduate students of the Catholic School Centre «St. Joseph», came to Medjugorje on a pilgrimage on March 22, 2017.

Objavljeno u News | 23.3.2017.

150th pilgrimage to Medjugorje

Mary Fernandez, 56 years old pilgrim from Miami, came to Medjugorje in 1988 for the first time.

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